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  • Renewable Power Generation Costs in 2022

    IRENA’s global renewable power generation costs study shows that the competitiveness of renewables continued to improve despite rising materials and equipment costs in 2022.

    Costs, Energy transition, Power Generation Costs English
  • Low-cost finance for the energy transition

    This report identifies the pressing need for greater private sector engagement in the financing of energy transition projects, as well as closer public-private collaboration to sustain the net zero pathway.

    Energy transition, Finance & investment, Costs, Technology English
  • The cost of financing for renewable power

    Based on a new, unique dataset from a global survey, this IRENA report presents unprecedented insights on the cost of capital for onshore wind, offshore wind and solar photovoltaic (PV) projects.

    Finance & investment, Costs, Technology, Solar energy, Wind energy English
  • Renewable solutions in end-uses: Heat pump costs and markets

    This report provides an overview of heat pump technologies and their applications, discusses building stock and the implications for the use of heat pumps in both new and old buildings and examines recent market developments.

    Costs, Stationary Applications Costs English
  • Small Island Developing States at a Crossroads: The socio-economics of transitioning to renewables

    A number of SIDS are adopting targets and policies to incorporate substantial amounts of renewable energy into their electricity supply mix.

    Energy transition, Socio-economic impact English
  • Socio-economic footprint of the energy transition: South Africa

    This report builds on the analysis presented in IRENA’s World Energy Transitions Outlook to support energy transition planning and informed policy making in South Africa, and calls for a comprehensive policy framework that can advance the transition whilst safeguarding people, livelihoods and jobs.

    Energy transition, Socio-economic impact English
  • Socio-economic footprint of the energy transition: Egypt

    This report explores the potential socio-economic impacts of the energy transition in Egypt, and shows that a successful, just and inclusive energy transition in Egypt can bring about a brighter, more prosperous and healthier future for its citizens.

    Energy transition, Socio-economic impact English
  • Renewable energy and jobs: Annual review 2023

    This tenth edition of IRENA’s Renewable energy and jobs: Annual review, provides the latest data on renewable energy employment worldwide, as well as analysis of prevailing deployment trends and policy contexts.

    Energy transition, Energy & jobs, Socio-economic impact English
  • The energy sector of Panama: Climate change adaptation challenges

    This report explores the significant challenges faced by Panama's energy infrastructure in addressing climate change and ensuring a sustainable and resilient energy supply.

    Energy transition English
  • Renewable energy statistics 2024

    This statistical publication presents renewable energy statistics for the last decade (2013-2023).

    Energy transition English, French, Spanish
  • Floating offshore wind outlook

    This IRENA report, commissioned by the 2023 Japanese G7 Presidency, explores the current state of the market for floating offshore wind, as well as recent technological developments in this nascent but increasingly competitive renewable energy industry.

    Energy transition, Wind energy English
  • Advancements in continental power system planning for Africa

    This report describes the methodology and design of the SPLAT-CMP model, the modelling framework for electricity and transmission capacity expansion behind the Africa Continental Master Plan (CMP).

    Energy transition, Planning English

Produced as a contribution to technical discussions and to disseminate new findings on relevant topics in the area of the author’s expertise, these papers do not represent IRENA’s official position or views on any topic.