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    • Quality Infrastructure for Renewable Energy Technologies: Solar Water Heaters

      This guide is part of a series prepared by the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) in the field of quality infrastructure (QI) for small-scale renew¬able energy technologies. Quality Infrastructure for Renewable Energy Technologies: Solar Water Heaters analyses the challenges and offers recommendations for developing QI for solar water heaters (SWHs), as well as highlighting the experiences of several countries in developing and implementing QI for SWHs. The SWH guide concludes by applying guidelines for incrementally developing QI to the particular case of SWH markets.

      Publications Reports Quality & Standards Innovation Solar energy Technology
    • Boosting solar PV markets: The role of quality infrastructure

      This handbook outlines the best practices to develop and implement Quality Infrastructure for solar PV and, based on case studies, offers quantified cost-benefit analysis for QI implementation at different stages of PV plant development. The data and analysis provides guidance for establishing proper QI mechanisms, showcased through successful experiences with utility-scale, distributed-generation and off-grid PV development in 11 countries. 

      Publications Reports Quality & Standards Innovation INSPIRE
    • Intellectual Property Rights: The Role of Patents in Renewable Energy Technology Innovation

      Patent information can provide valuable insights on the renewable energy sector as new technologies arise and markets continue to evolve. Analysis of renewable energy technology patents, for example, can reveal: which countries and innovators are most active in inventing technologies; the potential markets where technologies need to be protected;

      Publications Reports Innovation indicators Innovation INSPIRE
    • 可再生能源智能电气化:推动能源服务转型


      Publications Reports Electrification Innovation Power sector transformation Innovation Digitalisation Innovation Renewable energy for cities Policy
    • Republic of Palau: Renewable Energy Roadmap 2022-2050

      This report looks in detail at Palau's current power sector and provides a pathway for achieving a fully decarbonised, least-cost power system, with intermediate milestones.

      Reports Publications Renewable Energy Roadmap (ReMap) Country Energy transition Innovation
    • De-Risking Investments in North Macedonia

      This report, developed by IRENA and UNDP under the Climate Promise cooperation framework, aims to support North Macedonia accelerate the implementation of its enhanced NDC.

      Publications Reports Targets & NDCs Policy Finance & investment Electrification Innovation
    • Renewable Technology Innovation Indicators: Mapping progress in costs, patents and standards

      This report provides a valuable resource for policy makers and researchers by collecting data on a range of quantitative innovation indicators on the costs and performance of renewable technologies, patents and standards.

      Publications Reports Innovation indicators Innovation Quality & Standards Innovation Power Generation Costs Costs Stationary Applications Costs Costs Quality & Standards Innovation
    • 面向可再生能源电力系统的电网导则


      Publications Reports Energy transition Innovation
    • Sector Coupling in Facilitating Integration of Variable Renewable Energy in Cities

      The report highlights the importance of sector coupling as a key source of flexibility that cities can explore to stabilise power grid operations when integrating high shares of variable renewable energy sources.

      Publications Reports Buildings & cities Technology Renewable energy for cities Policy Energy storage Technology Electrification Innovation
    • System Operation: Innovation Landscape Briefs

      These briefs highlight ground-breaking ways to use distributed energy resources, accommodate uncertainty and reduce the need for grid reinforcement with rising shares of solar and wind power.

      Publications Reports Systemic innovation Innovation
    • Accelerating the Energy Transition through Innovation

      Technological breakthroughs are needed to reduce carbon emissions in the energy sector. This working paper examines the basic conditions required to nurture innovation and produce new technologies for a low-carbon future.

      Publications Reports Renewable Energy Roadmap (ReMap) Global Power sector transformation Innovation Electrification Innovation Systemic innovation Innovation
    • Quality infrastructure for smart mini-grids

      Market expansion for renewable mini-grids depends on establishing trustworthy quality infrastructure (QI). Smart technologies to integrate solar and wind power require international and national QI.

      Publications Reports Quality & Standards Innovation Energy storage Technology
    • Renewables Readiness Assessment: Botswana

      The RRA report presents clear and practical steps to maximise the country’s use of renewables in driving sustainable socio-economic growth.

      Publications Reports Renewables Readiness Assessment (RRA) Targets & NDCs Policy Energy transition in end uses Policy Electrification Innovation
    • Off-grid renewable energy solutions to expand electricity access: An opportunity not to be missed

      This brief takes stock of the opportunity at hand – detailing the dynamism and the innovations in the off-grid renewable energy sector. Building on IRENA’s growing body of work on the topic, it highlights the latest trends and advances, including innovations in delivery and financing models.   

      Publications Reports Off-grid for energy access Energy efficiency Technology Electrification Innovation
    • 世界の再生可能エネルギー展望: エネルギー変革2050 年

      本レポートでは2050 年までの気候変動に配慮した投資、エネルギー移行に必要な政策の枠組み、及び各地域が直面する課題に焦点を当てている。また、最終的に排出量をゼロにするための選択肢も探っています。

      Publications Reports Renewable Energy Roadmap (ReMap) Global Climate Action Energy efficiency Technology Energy transition in end uses Policy Power system structures & markets Policy Electrification Innovation Macro-economic benefits Socio-economic impact
    • Innovative solutions for 100% renewable power in Sweden

      This study highlights key pilot projects, showcases innovative solutions and provides insights based on Sweden’s experience with the transition to 100% renewable power.

      Publications Reports Targets & NDCs Policy Systemic innovation Innovation Electrification Innovation Energy transition in end uses Policy
    • RE-organising Power Systems for the Transition

      This report aims to inform discussions on the role of power system organisational structures in facilitating and accelerating the energy transition.

      Reports Publications Energy transition Innovation
    • Innovation Trends in Electrolysers for Hydrogen Production

      This EPO-IRENA joint report uses patent statistics to reveal the trends and dynamism in the exciting field of green hydrogen that can be produced using renewable electricity via electrolysis.

      Publications Reports Energy transition Innovation
    • International Standardisation in the Field of Renewable Energy

      Renewable energy standards, regularly reviewed and updated by international committees of technical experts, can help policy makers as an instrument to demonstrate national regulatory compliance, as well as ensuring successful deployment of renewable energy technologies (RET).

      Publications Reports Quality & Standards Innovation INSPIRE
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