Active filters: 3
    • 可再生能源智能电气化:推动能源服务转型


      Publications Reports Electrification Innovation Power sector transformation Innovation Digitalisation Innovation Renewable energy for cities Policy
    • 面向可再生能源电力系统的电网导则


      Publications Reports Energy transition Innovation
    • 世界の再生可能エネルギー展望: エネルギー変革2050 年

      本レポートでは2050 年までの気候変動に配慮した投資、エネルギー移行に必要な政策の枠組み、及び各地域が直面する課題に焦点を当てている。また、最終的に排出量をゼロにするための選択肢も探っています。

      Publications Reports Renewable Energy Roadmap (ReMap) Global Climate Action Energy efficiency Technology Energy transition in end uses Policy Power system structures & markets Policy Electrification Innovation Macro-economic benefits Socio-economic impact
    • World Energy Transitions Outlook: 1.5°C Pathway

      This report outlines a pathway for the world to achieve the Paris Agreement goals and halt the pace of climate change by transforming the global energy landscape.

      Publications Reports Renewable Energy Roadmap (ReMap) Global Climate Action Targets & NDCs Policy Bioenergy Policy Green hydrogen Policy Carbon capture Technology Energy efficiency Technology Electrification Innovation Macro-economic benefits Socio-economic impact
    • Grid Codes for Renewable Powered Systems

      This report contains the latest developments and good practices to develop grid connection codes for power systems with high shares of variable renewable energy – solar photovoltaic and wind.

      Publications Reports Energy transition Innovation
    • Innovation landscape for a renewable-powered future

      This report maps and categorises innovative solutions to integrate renewables. It brings together insights on key innovations to facilitate higher shares of solar and wind in the power sector.

      Publications Reports Systemic innovation Innovation Power sector transformation Innovation
    • Innovation Outlook: Smart charging for electric vehicles

      This outlook shows how through smart charging EV batteries can help to integrate high shares of solar and wind power into existing grids, as battery storage capacity helps to even out the variability of these sources.

      Publications Reports Electrification Innovation
    • Global Renewables Outlook: Energy transformation 2050

      This outlook highlights climate-safe investment options until 2050, policies for transition and specific regional challenges. It also explores options to eventually cut emissions to zero.

      Publications Reports Renewable Energy Roadmap (ReMap) Global Climate Action Energy efficiency Technology Energy transition in end uses Policy Power system structures & markets Policy Electrification Innovation Finance & investment Macro-economic benefits Socio-economic impact
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