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    • Renewable Energy Auctions: Analysing 2016

      At least 67 countries had used auctions for renewable energy contracts by mid-2016, up from less than 10 in 2005. This auctions report from the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) provides key updates on this crucial mechanism for price discovery and market development.

      Publications Reports Renewable energy auctions Policy
    • Renewable energy auctions: Status and trends beyond price

      As the renewable energy sector matures, policies must be adapted to reflect changing market conditions. This brief outlines the latest research on auctions, with a focus on market developments since 2017.

      Publications Reports Renewable energy auctions Policy
    • Renewable energy auctions: Cases from sub-Saharan Africa

      Auctions can help countries across sub-Saharan Africa achieve record-low prices for solar and wind power. Five countries have run renewable energy auctions, while at least 15 more are developing such programmes.

      Publications Reports Renewable energy auctions Policy
    • Renewable energy auctions in Japan: Context, design and results

      As Japan moves away from nuclear power plants, it has turned to renewables to diversify its energy mix. Auctions have emerged as a key policy tool for the transition.

      Publications Reports Renewable energy auctions Policy Power Generation Costs Costs
    • Renewable Energy Auctions in Developing Countries

      Renewable energy auctions are an increasingly popular tool for governments to procure renewable electricity at moderate cost. IRENA’s report, Renewable Energy Auctions in Developing Countries, describes various types and aspects of renewable energy auction schemes, drawing on the actual experiences of five countries: Brazil, China, Morocco, Peru and South Africa.

      Publications Reports Renewable energy auctions Policy
    • Renewable Energy Auctions: A Guide to Design

      This report aims to advise policy makers on the implications of different approaches to renewable energy auctions. Auction designs can emphasise cost effectiveness, supply security or socio-economic development objectives.

      Publications Reports Renewable energy auctions Policy
    • Renewable energy auctions: Southeast Asia

      Renewable energy auctions have become a popular instrument for the deployment of renewables around the world, and Southeast Asia is no exception.

      Publications Reports Energy transition Renewable energy auctions
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