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    • RE-organising Power Systems for the Transition

      This report aims to inform discussions on the role of power system organisational structures in facilitating and accelerating the energy transition.

      Reports Publications Energy transition Innovation
    • The Age of Renewable Power: Designing national roadmaps for a successful transformation

      A transformation of power grids towards reliance on mainly renewable energy sources has begun. But the course of this transition is sure to vary depending on local conditions. The Age of Renewable Power, a report from the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), provides a framework for developing a national roadmap to guide each country’s power sector transformation.

      Publications Reports Energy transition Innovation
    • Offshore Renewables: An Action Agenda for Deployment

      The report provides insights on various emerging offshore renewable energy technologies and their underlying potential. It also outlines a possible Action Plan for the G20 countries to drive offshore technologies closer to the commercialisation phase.

      Publications Reports Climate Action Ocean Technology Wind energy Technology Solar energy Technology Targets & NDCs Policy
    • Electricity Storage and Renewables for Island Power: A Guide for Decision Makers

      A practical guide for decision-makers and project developers on the available energy storage solutions and their successful applications in the context of islands communities. The report also includes various best practice cases and different scenarios and strategies. It is developed as part of the IRENA Renewables in Islands Initiative (IRII).

      Publications Reports Electricity Storage Costs Costs Energy storage Technology
    • Insights on planning for power system regulators

      This report identifies useful regulatory practices for the era of rapidly improving renewable energy technologies. It draws key insights from experiences with integrated resource planning (IRP) in South Africa and the US.

      Publications Reports Long term energy planning Planning
    • Power system flexibility for the energy transition

      This report outlines a planning approach to boost flexibility, specifically to accommodate the largest possible shares of variable renewable (solar and wind) energy sources. 

      Publications Reports Power system flexibility Planning Energy models and tools Planning
    • Advancements in continental power system planning for Africa

      This report describes the methodology and design of the SPLAT-CMP model, the modelling framework for electricity and transmission capacity expansion behind the Africa Continental Master Plan (CMP).

      Publications Reports Energy transition Planning
    • Hydrogen from renewable power: Technology outlook for the energy transition

      As the world strives to cut carbon emissions, electric power from renewables has emerged as a vital energy source.  Fuel needs for transport and industry, meanwhile, could be met with renewable-based hydrogen.

      Publications Reports Hydrogen Technology Industry Technology Transport Technology Buildings & cities Technology
    • Perspectives for the energy transition: Investment needs for a low-carbon energy system

      This joint study looks at the potential for decarbonisation in the energy sector in G20 countries and around the world. Chapter 3, “Global Energy Transition Prospects and the Role of Renewables”, highlights findings from the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA).

      Publications Reports Renewable Energy Roadmap (ReMap) Global Climate Action Finance & investment
    • Grid Codes for Renewable Powered Systems

      This report contains the latest developments and good practices to develop grid connection codes for power systems with high shares of variable renewable energy – solar photovoltaic and wind.

      Publications Reports Energy transition Innovation
    • Pan-Arab Renewable Energy Strategy 2030: Roadmap of Actions for Implementation

      The Pan-Arab Renewable Energy Strategy adopted in 2013 represents a consensus across the League of Arab States on pursuing a sustainable energy future. The strategy calls for large-scale development of the Arab region’s enormous renewable energy potential, including resources for renewable electricity generation, by the year 2030.

      Publications Reports Targets & NDCs Policy
    • Cost-competitive renewable power generation: Potential across South East Europe

      This report finds the region has a vast technical renewable energy potential of 739 gigawatts (GW) with wind energy being the most abundant resource, more than 4 times higher than that of solar PV. By 2030, additional cost-competitive potential for solar PV and wind is expected to reach 620 GW.

      Publications Reports Power Generation Costs Costs
    • Water Use in China’s Power Sector: Impact of Renewables and Cooling Technologies to 2030

      This brief by China Water Risk and IRENA examines the expected impact of China’s power sector on water and climate in 2030. Building on plans announced at the COP21 climate change conference in Paris, and earlier analyses by China Water Risk and IRENA, it assesses the impact of different options for China’s power mix in 2030 on water use and carbon emissions. As the findings show, decarbonising the power sector through renewables would also yield benefits in areas related to water.

      Publications Reports Energy transition
    • Innovation landscape for a renewable-powered future

      This report maps and categorises innovative solutions to integrate renewables. It brings together insights on key innovations to facilitate higher shares of solar and wind in the power sector.

      Publications Reports Systemic innovation Innovation Power sector transformation Innovation
    • Innovative solutions for 100% renewable power in Sweden

      This study highlights key pilot projects, showcases innovative solutions and provides insights based on Sweden’s experience with the transition to 100% renewable power.

      Publications Reports Targets & NDCs Policy Systemic innovation Innovation Electrification Innovation Energy transition in end uses Policy
    • Demand-side flexibility for power sector transformation

      Power systems need to be increasingly flexible to accommodate rising solar and wind shares. This brief examines the uses of demand-side flexibility, outlines solutions to achieve these, and highlights examples in actual power systems.

      Publications Reports Power system flexibility Planning Solar energy Technology Wind energy Technology Energy transition in end uses Policy
    • Transforming small-island power systems

      This guide from the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) can assist in decision making and help to carry out successful technical planning studies on solar and wind integration into SIDS power systems.

      Publications Reports Technology & infrastructure Technology SIDS Lighthouses
    • The Power to Change: Solar and Wind Cost Reduction Potential to 2025

      Increasing economies of scale, more competitive supply chains and further technological improvements will continue reducing the costs of solar and wind power. The same factors will also boost the availability of these key renewable power sources at night and in varying weather conditions.

      Publications Reports Solar energy Technology Wind energy Technology Power Generation Costs Costs Parliamentary Network
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