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    • Southern African Power Pool: Planning and Prospects for Renewable Energy

      With the energy systems of many African countries dominated by fossil-fuel sources that are vulnerable to global price volatility, regional and intra-continental power systems with high shares of renewable energy can provide least-cost option to support continued economic growth and address the continent’s acute energy access problem. Unlocking Africa’s huge renewable energy potential could help to take many people out of poverty, while ensuring the uptake of sustainable technologies for the continent’s long-term development.

      Publications Reports Long term energy planning Planning Energy models and tools Planning
    • Planification et perspectives pour les énergies renouvelables: Afrique de l’Ouest

      Les énergies renouvelables à faible coût jouent un rôle de plus en plus important dans l’offre d’électricité en Afrique de l’Ouest. Ce rapport présente trois grands scénarios pour la croissance des énergies renouvelables dans les systèmes d’énergie de la région, notamment en ce qui concerne les principaux objectifs nationaux et régionaux.

      Publications Reports Long term energy planning Planning Energy models and tools Planning
    • Panama power system flexibility assessment

      Panama engaged with the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) to carry out a flexibility analysis for the power system considering a high penetration of Variable Renewable Energy (VRE).

      Publications Reports Power system flexibility Planning Energy models and tools Planning
    • Thailand power system flexibility assessment

      A FlexTool study on Thailand's power system suggests cost-efficient investment options and provides a sensitivity analysis to find ways to reach high shares of renewables.   

      Publications Reports Renewable Energy Roadmap (ReMap) Energy models and tools Planning
    • Africa Power Sector: Planning and Prospects for Renewable Energy (synthesis report)

      The International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) has conducted quantitative assessments of the prospects for renewable energy deployment in Africa’s five regional power pools. This synthesis report summaries the findings of those five regional power studies, adding a consolidated outlook for the continent. The report also explains the energy-modelling approach employed and suggests the way forward for promoting renewable energy in Africa.

      Publications Reports Long term energy planning Planning Energy models and tools Planning
    • West African Power Pool: Planning and Prospects for Renewable Energy

      This report examines various scenarios for accelerated renewable energy uptake, based on a modelling tool developed by IRENA and tested with assistance from the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS).

      Publications Reports Long term energy planning Planning Energy models and tools Planning
    • Long-term energy scenarios: First-year campaign findings

      A collaborative campaign, launched at the 9th Clean Energy Ministerial (CEM) in May 2018 and co-ordinated by the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), calls for wider adoption and improved use of model-based LTES. This brochure highlights findings from the first-year of the LTES campaign.

      Publications Reports Long-term Energy Scenarios Network (LTES Network) Long term energy planning Planning Energy models and tools Planning
    • A World of Renewables

      The Global Atlas for Renewable Energy (Global Atlas) aims to close the gap between countries with access to the datasets, expertise and financial support to evaluate their renewable energy potential, and those lacking such elements. As of January 2015, a total of 67 countries and more than 50 institutes and partners were contributing to the initiative, which is coordinated by the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA).

      Publications Reports Data Energy models and tools Planning
    • Planning and prospects for renewable power: West Africa

      Low-cost renewable energy, especially from solar photovoltaic (PV) installations, has become an increasingly important part of West Africa’s electricity supply. This report outlines three broad scenarios for the growth of renewables in the region’s power systems, particularly in relation to key national and regional targets.

      Publications Reports Long term energy planning Planning Energy models and tools Planning
    • Power system flexibility for the energy transition

      This report outlines a planning approach to boost flexibility, specifically to accommodate the largest possible shares of variable renewable (solar and wind) energy sources. 

      Publications Reports Power system flexibility Planning Energy models and tools Planning
    • Planning and prospects for renewable power: Eastern and Southern Africa

      East and Southern African countries possess vast potential for renewable energy development. This report assesses the prospects for the power sector in the countries of the ACEC through 2040.

      Publications Reports Long term energy planning Planning Energy models and tools Planning Power system operation Planning Targets & NDCs Policy
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