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    • Quality Infrastructure for Renewable Energy Technologies: Solar Water Heaters

      This guide is part of a series prepared by the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) in the field of quality infrastructure (QI) for small-scale renew¬able energy technologies. Quality Infrastructure for Renewable Energy Technologies: Solar Water Heaters analyses the challenges and offers recommendations for developing QI for solar water heaters (SWHs), as well as highlighting the experiences of several countries in developing and implementing QI for SWHs. The SWH guide concludes by applying guidelines for incrementally developing QI to the particular case of SWH markets.

      Publications Reports Quality & Standards Innovation Solar energy Technology
    • Boosting solar PV markets: The role of quality infrastructure

      This handbook outlines the best practices to develop and implement Quality Infrastructure for solar PV and, based on case studies, offers quantified cost-benefit analysis for QI implementation at different stages of PV plant development. The data and analysis provides guidance for establishing proper QI mechanisms, showcased through successful experiences with utility-scale, distributed-generation and off-grid PV development in 11 countries. 

      Publications Reports Quality & Standards Innovation INSPIRE
    • Renewable Technology Innovation Indicators: Mapping progress in costs, patents and standards

      This report provides a valuable resource for policy makers and researchers by collecting data on a range of quantitative innovation indicators on the costs and performance of renewable technologies, patents and standards.

      Publications Reports Innovation indicators Innovation Quality & Standards Innovation Power Generation Costs Costs Stationary Applications Costs Costs Quality & Standards Innovation
    • Quality infrastructure for smart mini-grids

      Market expansion for renewable mini-grids depends on establishing trustworthy quality infrastructure (QI). Smart technologies to integrate solar and wind power require international and national QI.

      Publications Reports Quality & Standards Innovation Energy storage Technology
    • International Standardisation in the Field of Renewable Energy

      Renewable energy standards, regularly reviewed and updated by international committees of technical experts, can help policy makers as an instrument to demonstrate national regulatory compliance, as well as ensuring successful deployment of renewable energy technologies (RET).

      Publications Reports Quality & Standards Innovation INSPIRE
    • Data quality for the Global Renewable Energy Atlas – Solar and Wind (Concept paper)

      The Global Atlas for Renewable Energy provides access to a vast range of solar and wind resource maps created using different methodologies, with different spatial coverage and resolutions. Several datasets may overlap a single territory, and users can choose among several data sources. Yet this very versatility can pose a dilemma for the end-user over the main strengths and weaknesses of the available datasets, and which data is the most suitable to use.

      Publications Reports Solar energy Technology Wind energy Technology Quality & Standards Innovation
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