Active filters: 5
    • Electricity Storage and Renewables for Island Power: A Guide for Decision Makers

      A practical guide for decision-makers and project developers on the available energy storage solutions and their successful applications in the context of islands communities. The report also includes various best practice cases and different scenarios and strategies. It is developed as part of the IRENA Renewables in Islands Initiative (IRII).

      Publications Reports Electricity Storage Costs Costs Energy storage Technology
    • Innovation outlook: Thermal energy storage

      Thermal energy storage (TES) can help to integrate high shares of renewable energy in power generation, industry and buildings. This outlook identifies priorities for research and development.

      Publications Reports Energy storage Technology
    • Sector Coupling in Facilitating Integration of Variable Renewable Energy in Cities

      The report highlights the importance of sector coupling as a key source of flexibility that cities can explore to stabilise power grid operations when integrating high shares of variable renewable energy sources.

      Publications Reports Buildings & cities Technology Renewable energy for cities Policy Energy storage Technology Electrification Innovation
    • Renewables and Electricity Storage

      With solar and wind installation breaking new records each year, countries with ambitious plans for these renewable power-generation technologies must consider the best ways to integrate variable renewables onto the grid. Electricity storage is a key option available to manage variability and ensure reliable, round-the-clock supply. Declining costs and improving capacities have made batteries and other storage technologies increasingly practical for upgrading existing power systems.

      Publications Reports Renewable Energy Roadmap (ReMap) Energy storage Technology
    • Quality infrastructure for smart mini-grids

      Market expansion for renewable mini-grids depends on establishing trustworthy quality infrastructure (QI). Smart technologies to integrate solar and wind power require international and national QI.

      Publications Reports Quality & Standards Innovation Energy storage Technology
    • Electricity Storage Valuation Framework

      Electricity storage will be crucial factor for scaling up solar and wind power. Yet electricity markets may not account for the system value of storage.

      Publications Reports Energy storage Technology Electricity Storage Costs Costs Solar energy Technology Wind energy Technology
    • Enabling Technologies: Innovation Landscape briefs

      These briefs explore enabling technologies for large-scale use of solar and wind power. Building on a wider Innovation Landscape study, the set covers innovations in batteries, electric vehicle charging, artificial intelligence, Blockchain and other technologies.

      Publications Reports Energy storage Technology Electrification Innovation Energy transition in end uses Policy Digitalisation Innovation Power sector transformation Innovation
    • Electricity Storage: Technology Brief

      This brief focuses on electricity storage technologies to facilitate the integration of higher shares of renewable energy into the power mix.

      Publications Reports Electricity Storage Costs Costs Energy storage Technology
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