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    • High cost of capital a bane for energy transition ahead of COP28

      Advocates for the energy transition are concerned ahead of the COP28 summit in Dubai about the high cost of capital available to make change happen, as policymakers ratchet up their rhetoric on the need for tight monetary policy.

      News IRENA in the News Energy transition Costs Reuters
    • Renewable Power Generation Costs in 2022

      Key insights of annual Renewable Power Generation Costs in 2022 report, with insights into the latest trends in installed costs, capacity factors and the levelised cost of electricity for renewable energy technologies.

      Digital content Presentations Energy transition Costs Power Generation Costs
    • Renewable Power Generation Costs in 2022

      IRENA’s global renewable power generation costs study shows that the competitiveness of renewables continued to improve despite rising materials and equipment costs in 2022.

      Reports Publications Costs Energy transition Power Generation Costs
    • Low-cost finance for the energy transition

      This report identifies the pressing need for greater private sector engagement in the financing of energy transition projects, as well as closer public-private collaboration to sustain the net zero pathway.

      Publications Reports Energy transition Finance & investment Costs Technology
    • The cost of financing for renewable power

      Based on a new, unique dataset from a global survey, this IRENA report presents unprecedented insights on the cost of capital for onshore wind, offshore wind and solar photovoltaic (PV) projects.

      Publications Reports Finance & investment Costs Technology Solar energy Wind energy
    • Solutions for Decarbonising Heating in Buildings

      Highly efficient, electricity-driven heat pumps have a crucial role to play in decarbonising space and water heating in buildings.

      Digital content Visual stories Costs Stationary Applications Costs
    • Renewable solutions in end-uses: Heat pump costs and markets

      This report provides an overview of heat pump technologies and their applications, discusses building stock and the implications for the use of heat pumps in both new and old buildings and examines recent market developments.

      Publications Reports Costs Stationary Applications Costs
    • Renewable Power Generation Costs in 2021

      IRENA's latest global cost study shows how the competitiveness of renewables continued amid the fossil fuel crisis and highlights cost trends for major renewable electricity sources.

      Reports Publications Costs Energy transition Power Generation Costs
    • Затраты на производство возобновляемой энергии в 2021 году

      Последнее глобальное исследование затрат IRENA показывает, как сохранялась конкурентоспособность возобновляемых источников энергии в условиях кризиса ископаемого топлива, и освещает тенденции затрат на основные возобновляемые источники электроэнергии.

      Reports Publications Costs Energy transition Power Generation Costs
    • Coûts de production d'énergie renouvelable en 2021

      La dernière étude mondiale sur les coûts de l'IRENA montre comment la compétitivité des énergies renouvelables s'est maintenue au milieu de la crise des combustibles fossiles et met en évidence les tendances des coûts pour les principales sources d'électricité renouvelables.

      Reports Publications Costs Energy transition Power Generation Costs
    • تكاليف توليد الطاقة المتجددة لعام 2021

      تُظهر دراسة التكلفة العالمية الأخيرة للوكالة الدولية للطاقة المتجددة (IRENA) كيف استمرت القدرة التنافسية لمصادر الطاقة المتجددة وسط أزمة الوقود الأحفوري وتسلط الضوء على اتجاهات التكلفة لمصادر الكهرباء المتجددة الرئيسية.

      Reports Publications Costs Energy transition Power Generation Costs
    • 2021 年可再生能源发电成本

      IRENA 最新的全球成本研究显示了可再生能源的竞争力如何在化石燃料危机中持续存在,并突出了主要可再生能源的成本趋势。

      Reports Publications Costs Energy transition Power Generation Costs
    • Erneuerbare Stromerzeugungskosten im Jahr 2021

      Die jüngste globale Kostenstudie von IRENA zeigt, wie sich die Wettbewerbsfähigkeit der erneuerbaren Energien inmitten der Krise der fossilen Brennstoffe fortsetzte, und zeigt die Kostentrends für die wichtigsten erneuerbaren Stromquellen auf.

      Reports Publications Costs Energy transition Power Generation Costs
    • Costos de generación de energía renovable en 2021

      El último estudio de costos globales de IRENA muestra cómo la competitividad de las energías renovables continuó en medio de la crisis de los combustibles fósiles y destaca las tendencias de costos para las principales fuentes de electricidad renovable.

      Reports Publications Costs Energy transition Power Generation Costs
    • IRENA Members Call for Hydrogen Trade Beyond Borders

      The Collaborative Framework on Green Hydrogen witnessed a high level of engagement by private actors and government representatives from member countries who discussed the role of international hydrogen trade.

      Articles News Collaborative Frameworks Costs Energy transition
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