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    • Geopolitics of the energy transition: Energy security

      This report, developed under the IRENA Collaborative Framework on the Geopolitics of Energy Transformation, provides new analysis to elicit informed and constructive dialogue on the evolving nature of energy security in the era of renewables.

      Publications Reports Collaborative Frameworks CF Geopolitics Energy transition Geopolitics
    • International co-operation to accelerate green hydrogen deployment

      This report from IRENA's Collaborative Framework on Green Hydrogen assesses progress in green hydrogen deployment, including the development of green hydrogen supply and demand structures.

      Publications Reports Collaborative Frameworks CF Green Hydrogen Energy transition Hydrogen
    • Renewable energy and jobs: Annual review 2023

      This tenth edition of IRENA’s Renewable energy and jobs: Annual review, provides the latest data on renewable energy employment worldwide, as well as analysis of prevailing deployment trends and policy contexts.

      Publications Reports CF Just & Inclusive Energy Transition Collaborative Frameworks Energy transition Energy & jobs Socio-economic impact
    • 能源转型的地缘政治:关键材料


      Publications Reports Collaborative Frameworks CF Geopolitics Geopolitics Energy transition
    • الجغرافيا السياسية لتحوّل الطاقة: المواد الحرجة

      يقدم تقرير "الجغرافيا السياسية لتحوّل الطاقة: المواد الحرجة" رؤى شاملة بشأن أهمية المواد الحرجة ، حيث يبحث الآثار الجيوسياسية المرتبطة بها ويقدم توصيات للتحوّل نحو الطاقة العالمية المستدامة والفعالة

      Publications Reports Collaborative Frameworks CF Geopolitics Geopolitics Energy transition
    • Géopolitique de la transformation énergétique : Matières premières critiques

      Le rapport Géopolitique de la transformation énergétique : Matières premières critiques offre un aperçu complet de l'importance des matériaux critiques, examine leurs implications géopolitiques associées et propose des recommandations pour une transition énergétique mondiale durable et efficace.

      Publications Reports Collaborative Frameworks CF Geopolitics Geopolitics Energy transition
    • Geopolitische Faktoren der Energiewende: Kritische Rohstoffe

      Geopolitik der Energiewende: Kritische Rohstoffe bieten umfassende Einblicke in die Rolle kritischer Rohstoffe, untersucht die damit verbundenen geopolitischen Implikationen und gibt Empfehlungen für eine nachhaltige globale Energiewende.

      Publications Reports Collaborative Frameworks CF Geopolitics Geopolitics Energy transition
    • Geopolítica de la transición energética: Materiales críticos

      Geopolítica de la transición energética: Materiales críticos proporciona información integral sobre la importancia de los materiales críticos, examinando sus implicaciones geopolíticas asociadas y ofreciendo recomendaciones para una transición energética global sostenible y eficiente.

      Publications Reports Collaborative Frameworks CF Geopolitics Geopolitics Energy transition
    • Geopolitics of the Energy Transition: Critical Materials

      Geopolitics of the energy transition: Critical materials provides comprehensive insights into the significance of critical materials, examining their associated geopolitical implications and offering recommendations for a sustainable and efficient global energy transition.

      Publications Reports Collaborative Frameworks CF Geopolitics Geopolitics Energy transition
    • Scaling up investments in ocean energy technologies

      This brief from the Collaborative Framework for Ocean Energy Technologies and Offshore Renewables provides options for scaling up investments in ocean energy, focusing on tidal stream and wave energy technologies.

      Publications Reports CF Offshore Renewables Collaborative Frameworks Energy transition Ocean
    • Renewable Energy and Jobs - Annual Review 2022

      This report provides the latest estimates of renewable energy employment globally.

      Publications CF Just & Inclusive Energy Transition Collaborative Frameworks Socio-economic impact Energy transition Energy & jobs
    • Critical Materials For The Energy Transition: Rare Earth elements

      The technical paper on Critical Materials for the Energy Transition emphasises that an accelerated energy transition requires a growing supply of critical materials, with Chapter 7 of the IRENA’s World Energy Transition Outlook 2022 further elaborating on these materials. IRENA continues to publish technical papers on groups of critical materials: the first one focuses on lithium and this second paper focuses on rare earth elements.

      Technical papers Publications Collaborative Frameworks CF Critical Materials Energy transition Critical materials Technology
    • World Energy Transitions Outlook: 1.5°C Pathway

      This report guides policy makers to stay on the the 1.5°C path to 2050, explores the socio-economic impacts of the transition and suggests ways to speed progress towards universal access to clean energy.

      Publications Reports Renewable Energy Roadmap (ReMap) Global Climate Action Collaborative Frameworks CF Critical Materials Energy transition Off-grid for energy access Targets & NDCs Policy Carbon capture Critical materials
    • Technical paper cover

      Critical Materials For The Energy Transition: Lithium

      This paper discusses the global lithium industry structure and major players while reflecting on current costs changes and their further implications, the role of the governments could play to de-risk lithium supply and the opportunities innovation can play in reducing demand growth.

      Technical papers Publications Collaborative Frameworks CF Critical Materials Energy transition Critical materials Technology
    • Technical paper cover

      Critical Materials For The Energy Transition

      This paper will assess how the growth of renewables will put critical materials at the centre of the energy transformation, with the objective of highlighting the criticalities related to the sector and of identifying how technological developments and innovation can positively reduce geopolitical risks.

      Technical papers Publications Collaborative Frameworks CF Critical Materials Energy transition Critical materials Technology
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